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Jaeyeon Lee

Welcome! I am a PhD candidate at Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley.

In my job market paper, I study the asymmetric pass-through of interest rates to rental prices in the multifamily housing rental market.

I am on the 2024-25 job market.


Job Market Paper

Asymmetric Pass-Through of Interest Rates to Rental Prices: Evidence from Rental Listings for Multi-Unit Housing

I use property-level data merged with loan-level data to document three empirical facts about the relationship between interest rates and rental prices for properties financed through government-sponsored entity (GSE) commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) loans. First, rental prices rise when interest rates increase. Second, rental prices do not decline when interest rates fall. Third, this asymmetric pass-through of interest rates primarily occurs among properties that are liquidity constrained due to debt-service coverage ratios (DSCR). These empirical facts cannot be rationalized with standard neoclassical models that assume pricing decisions are unaffected by fixed costs like mortgage payments. I propose an alternative model that rationalizes the pass-through of interest rates by incorporating liquidity constraints imposed by DSCR, which can create asymmetric responses to changes in interest rates.

Working Papers

Confederate Memorials and the Housing Market

with Clifton Green, Russell Jame, Jaemin Lee
Presented at FMA (2022), AFA (2023)

Work in Progress

"Housing Supply Elasticities Across Time and Space and Media Sentiment" with Denis Gorea, Boris Hofmann, Deniz Igan

"Spatially Targeted Leverage Regulation and Rental Housing" with Konhee Chang

Curriculum Vitae